Maybe do some gtk Broadway funkyness if they feel like playing god and want browser access
Comment on Business Accounting/Taxes 1 year ago
Do you want to be able to access it from a browser? Gnucash is a standalone program, but you could edit the file from anywhere as long as you have access to it.
I’ve never used Gnucash for business purposes, but it’s certainly capable. There’s a learning curve to it but it’s not too bad. I never got online banking set up with it, but you can import .csv, etc. 1 year ago 1 year ago
It would be nice to be able to access from a browser, it can make things a little easier. Preferably looking for something I can kick up a docker container or something simple so I can easily back up the data if need be and it can fit into my current self hosted stack. 1 year ago
Second GNUCash or homebank