Comment on What are some alternatives to bars that stay open late for folks that don't drink alcohol? 1 year agoI omitted my personal reasoning in the OP to avoid sidetracking the conversation, but since it’s had some time to develop & you ask, I just personally don’t like the smell of much alcohol or the erratic behavior it causes. The former I just find unpleasant, meanwhile the latter makes me uncomfortable & anxious on top of being annoyed by the scents.
As someone being sober, I’d feel like I’m half-expected to be responsible for some of those getting drunk around me (even if I’m not, really), and it just makes it hard for me to relax as I’d like.
I could, and I may end up caving and finding a bar with an atmosphere I don’t mind, but I was hoping there might be some alternatives to spaces that I generally just find uncomfortable to be in. Also, and this just comes down to the area I’m in right now, many of the bars have a specific style/theme to them here that I don’t care for whatsoever, at least from the little bit I’ve looked around. 1 year ago
That’s 100% understandable. I don’t really “get” bars. So I don’t go. I don’t know what to do there. If I want to go out at night, I go to clubs, but they have some of the same issues with drunk people. Aside from that, I have hobbies to share with like-minded people. For example I go to an open couple dancing (Forró) event as often as I can.