Comment on plans for mitigating image upload abuse 1 year ago
Got to be honest, having an invite based system and locking certian features behind age of accounts, karma, etc seems like the opposite of the freedom everyone promised me the Fediverse represented when we moved over.
I personally don’t really care about images and would prefer image uploads just stay deactivated and we operate as a text only forum but with open membership. 1 year ago
Leaving image uploads completely disabled would also be an option to fight this particular type of attack, but there are also other issues with open registrations. For example, while our sign-up captcha seems to be preventing automated registrations, we are still having to ban advertiser accounts almost daily. I think an invite system would really help to reduce sign-ups by any kind of users intending to abuse the system. 1 year ago
I’m all for an invite-based system, although we will need some way of combating ‘invite trees’, where one bad actor invites several others, who subsequently invite an exponentially increasing number. A reasonable delay on the invite allowance would go a long way, I think.