Comment on Resin Printer Not From China? 1 year ago
I dont have any model to recommend, but keep in mind that you might also need curing and cleaning station, proper ventilation, mask, gloves etc.
Comment on Resin Printer Not From China? 1 year ago
I dont have any model to recommend, but keep in mind that you might also need curing and cleaning station, proper ventilation, mask, gloves etc. 1 year ago
Thank you. I’ll definitely be getting those things too. Another reason why a multi-thousand dollar printer is too expensive 1 year ago
Even with moderate usage, no joke, I’d recommend getting a flammables cabinet to store IPA. At the end of every weekend, I drain our washing station back into two three liter jugs and put them in the flammables cabinet. They’re stored correctly, the cabinet prevents light from reaching the jugs, and it settles over the weekend. On Monday I carefully pour the top portion into the auto washer and top it off with new IPA. The settled layer gets poured into the waste container.
We have two printers at work, one wash station and one cure station. And we have 8x jugs of IPA in our flammables cabinet.
Before we started settling in the cabinet and decanting our wash solution, we went through an incredible amount of IPA that we had to deal with as waste. And this is from two SLA printers, which we use in addition to our Prusa MK3 and SLS nylon printers, so we don’t always use the resin printers.