The Unicode standard just specified a “wheel”. A particular amusing (read: drama inducing) case is with the 🔫 emoji: Unicode specified it as “Pistol”, but depending on your font (and version), it can either appear as a water gun, or a musket or revolver.
Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), all major vendors have now switched over to a water gun, so no more amusing forum threads cases by the different meanings.
So in addition to the interpretation being unclear, there is also no real standard for emoji. 1 year ago
Same in Jerboa for Android. 1 year ago
Liar, Jerboa on Android is showing an old wooden wheel. 1 year ago
I have an older phone which is probably why i see the wooden wheel. Rubber wheels hadn’t been invented yet. 1 year ago
I have an even older phone, which is probably why I see a rectangle with a cross through it 1 year ago
It would depend on what brand and how old your phone is on Android, for example I think Samsung has its own set of emoji - at least for older phones 1 year ago
I was joking. 1 year ago
It’s an old wagon wheel on Motorola, come on man, you have to know there is more than one android phone 1 year ago
Also wagon wheel on pixel 7