- Comment on Is there a way to search for specific words on a site? 2 months ago:
Try quoting the search term: “2 days”
- Comment on PhD Funding 5 months ago:
Oh finally, something I can store my yield in.
- Comment on Anyone else get random cancellation emails from onlyfans? 6 months ago:
Either phishing (send fake link, get you to enter password), or someone messing with you by signing up with your email
- Comment on What's the best way to measure the size of the government? 6 months ago:
I guess you could look at governmental budget or number of employees, but raw size is quite a bad metric for overreach. The knowledge that one year a lot of money was spent inforcing laws tells you very little about the effects that has on the population as a whole.
To do that you’d need a good definition of what exactly overreach is, and you’d probably have to do a lot of work because I doubt anyone else had the exactl same definition.
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
Power companies average things out.
Now some customers specifically ask to pay the instantaneous price, and those people just turn things off. This has the advantage that you end up paying less during times if low demand.
- Comment on Why do hacked channels on youtube always post Tesla/SpaceX stuff? 7 months ago:
It’s just scammers trying to cash out. They know Elon has a large (and gullible) following, many of which see him as as trustworthy and a super good business man, making them easy targets.
It ends up as the usual, a scam investment promising huge returns, but of course they just run away with your money.
It’s fundamentally the same scam they use to hack accounts, posing as a rich sponsor and tricking the youtuber into downloading malware that steals their account.
- Comment on Evidence 8 months ago:
It’s not so much that we know there was nothing before it, but that we can’t figure out what was before it.
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
Like a kid trying very hard to sound like everyone else. “Eloquent bullshit generator”
- Comment on RNAception 10 months ago:
It goes even deeper, mRNA controls ribosomes, which are mostly RNA.
- Comment on How can the Oregon government make drugs illegal again with no public comment periods or voter input at all? 11 months ago:
Making decisions is the whole point of repesentives. If you don’t like their choices, don’t vote for them. Unfortunately, most places use first-past-the-post voting, which tends to result in 2 extreme parties, and people end up having to vote for the one that sucks less.
- Comment on How can the Oregon government make drugs illegal again with no public comment periods or voter input at all? 11 months ago:
Making decisions is the whole point of repesentives. If you don’t like their choices, don’t vote for them. Unfortunately, most places use first-past-the-post voting, which tends to result in 2 extreme parties, and people end up having to vote for the one that sucks less.
- Comment on #justElsevierthings 11 months ago:
And those are just the ones where the authors did not even proofread the thing.
- Comment on checkmate globalists 11 months ago:
Good news, we are rapidly working on changing that.
- Comment on #justElsevierthings 11 months ago:
It is quite easy to find these with google:
- Comment on double slit 11 months ago:
It is clearly titled “double slit”.
- Comment on "Evolution" by Sarah Andersen 11 months ago:
Like it or not, this is the ideal body.
- Comment on Can you live a fulfilling life with autism? 11 months ago:
I have personaly known a lot of people who have seemed super happy at first, but were putting up a facade over some real big mental health problems. Just because someone is able to socialize doen’t mean they are living a good life, and you can do lots of fulfilling things without in person interaction.
Don’t worry about being normal, just do fun and fulfilling things.
- Comment on Can I Use my Multimeter to Test How Much Power my Appliance (TV) is Using? 1 year ago:
Yes, but differentiating between actual power and apparent power will be difficult without building a rather complex circuit. A dedicated power meter will tell you, as well as computing the power factor. On the flip side, a TV’s switching power suppy should have a good power factor, so apparent power (AC amps * RMS volts) is close to actual power.
- Comment on How do I learn about DIY modern electronics? 1 year ago:
Looking at other people’s schematics and messing around with making changes to them is a great way to pick up new tricks, but I recomend you also lean some of the basics. Experimentation is the best way to learn and internalize, so make sure do do plenty of that. I highly recomend you pick up a decent solderless breadboard, assortment of parts, an adjustable lab power suppy, multimeter, and osciloscope. For assembling projects in a more permenent way, I would recomend a perfboard, some thin insulated wire, solder and flux, and a good soldering iron.
- Comment on What’s a “sovereign citizen “? 1 year ago:
Someone who beleaves that they can get out of some or all the obligations using some magic pseudo-legal phrases.
It started as people trying to imitate rich people exploiting legal loopholes, but then some grifter “guru” found them and decided to make a quick buck giving rather bad legal advice. This worked, causing in more grifters getting in, with depressing/hilarious results.
- Comment on Why does incest result in birth defects? 1 year ago:
Humans are diploid. We have 2 independent copies of every chromosome in each cell, one from each parent. They function as “backup” copies. If an error is on one, as long as the other one has a good copy of the effected gene, nothing happens. However, if parents are related, it becomes possible to receive two identical (or nearly identical) copies, and lose that backup. In that case, any error/mutations will cause problems.
- Comment on Community seems dead. Can we mirror reddit posts here? 1 year ago:
I greatly prefer the occasional original post with actuall engagement to a flood of reposts. If I want reddit posts, I will go on reddit (and also get comments and things like that). On a more meta level, the only way a community can gain and retain users is by offering unique content. If 99% of content is just content from Reddit (with missing comments), why should anyone bother to use Lemmy?
Subscribing to a comunity does not cost anything, very few people will leave a community because it is dead, but people will leave a community that spams their feed.
- Comment on wave em like you just don't care 1 year ago:
steal that shit
That’s just how the bees pay rent.
- Comment on 🍸 I like to mix my solutions. The more the merrier. 1 year ago:
Solvent or solute depending on concentration. The drink however is a solution.
- Comment on Would nuclear reactors be feasible everywhere? 1 year ago:
Most power generation methods like coal have similar requirements, and it doesn’t have to be clean water. In costal areas, seawater can be used just fine.
- Comment on Why does looking directly at the sun damage your eyes? 1 year ago:
Wikipedia says that the heating from the focused light is minimal because the retina is surrounded with fluid, similarly to how a balloon filled, even partially, with water won’t pop over a candle flame. However, the light itself is damaging, as far UV is ionizing radiation and can rip apart the molecules making up your cells.
- Comment on Six 1 year ago:
(d sin(x))/(d x) = sin(x)/(x)
- Comment on How do you call someone born in the US besides "American"? 1 year ago:
I have always heard “z stanów” in Polish, an equivalent would be “from the states”.
- Comment on Super easy, barely an inconvenience 1 year ago:
Dunning Kruger is very real.
- Comment on I believe science but I don't understand science. Does that make me religious? 1 year ago:
Young Earth Creationism for instance
No, not really. They can and will claim that any evidence you present was created by God some 6,000 years ago. If you assume a creator (God in this case) that can create anything for any reson, their is no way to prove that the world was not created 6,000 years ago.
Fossils? God created them in rocks 6,000 years ago. Radioisotope dating? created that way. 20,000 year old archeological site? created that way.
Of course the same aguement holds for any creation date and method. I could claim that the world was created last tuesday, or even last second and there would be no way to disprove me. The boltzman brain is the most absurd continuation of this argument.