Comment on Scientists for Future, October 2021: Nuclear Energy is no technology for solving the Climate Crisis 16 hours ago
I disagree completely. This text is oddly biased and in parts, completely false. It also dates from 2021.
Nuclear power is the single safest power source ever devised and does not suffer from intermittency. The fearmongering from anti-nuclear, anti-science campaigners in the 1970s was nothing but a gift to coal and advanced climate change by five years.
Climate change is an existential threat. Nuclear power is one of the answers. 16 hours ago
I cannot even entertain this “debate” anymore because there isn’t one. Nuclear is superior across the board, even when we include renewables like solar and wind, and I am tried of people not getting that while the world burns. 16 hours ago
The part that annoys me the most, is people will doom about huge swaths of humanity dying in the future due to climate change, then bemoan and rage against building nuclear plants today, thus solving solving a huge portion of the issue.
I just do not understand people’s priorities, or if they really believe everything they say. 15 hours ago
Oh, by all means. Build nuclear to your heart’s delight, but in the meantime we need to build wind, solar and water as well.
The part that annoys me the most are the ones that think that it is either or. It’s not. It’s as much as possible as fast as possible to replace as much fossil in total volume as possible. 14 hours ago
Absolutely. Wind, solar, nuclear, grid-scale storage, and geothermal should all be invested and built up together. With stakes as high as they are, no one horse should be our only bet. And these all scale differently in different geographies, making each of them the best choice based on local conditions. 16 hours ago
I think the big problem is our species went too far too fast, and it was all luck. Couple that with a species that is generally ignorant and unwilling to educate themselves, and we are left with global issues so convoluted that even our smartest struggle to manage them. 12 hours ago
You don’t think there’s debate about nuclear waste and how and where to store it? Because those are my reservations about nuclear power. 12 hours ago
If those are your reservations about Nuclear power educate yourself on the process’ taken with Nuclear waste, how much waste is produced per MW produced, and then compare MW produced vs impact for other energy sources. 10 hours ago
I think we’ve solved it several times but ignorance stops the implementation. France reprocesses, but other countries are scared to ship to be reprocessed. The US built Yucca Mountain then we failed to commission it.