No, they do – it’s just not a codified constitution like almost all other countries have.
Proponents of the idea believe that a constitution that has evolved bit by bit across a bunch of different charters and through unwritten agreements and customs is stronger that one that’s done all in one shot. You’ll see the unflattering metaphor that “a tree is stronger than a weed”, which seems a bit unfair but it’s reasonable point – if not one that’s beyond argument or anything.
Commonwealth countries are politically conservative, small “c” and not big “C”, as the general attitude is “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, even if it’s objectively kind of stupid”. There was a good reason for every one of the decisions that led to today, don’t &^%$ with it, just in case. 1 day ago
Interesting addition here, we don’t even have an official national anthem. There isn’t even an “official” version of the lyrics for the song we use as the de-facto national anthem.
We just all kind of collectively agreed upon the first verse, and mentally update it whenever a monarch dies and a new gender is required.