Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 1 day agoPeople even died to this shit.
Yeah? What percentage of the population?
Oh wow, I’m so glad that the serial liar “disavowed” it and then proceeded to install the minds behind project 2025 into government and speed-run the implementation of its policies.
Again, this incessent need for partisan moralizing. There was no way to prove to the American people that he was going to give government positions to the people behind it. I don’t like Trump, I didn’t vote for him, you can stop constantly trying to convince me he’s a Bad Man.
What we’re talking about is not morality, it’s the factual question of why Trump won. For that purpose, his character is only relevant insofar as it affects public opinion of him.
Dems/Kamala highlighted various points of the project
Which parts? I need specifics since you just tried to claim that January 6th was an issue that had a direct, material impact on the average American (lmao!) so I don’t trust you to make that evaluation. 1 day ago
How is that relevant? How many lives need to be destroyed and how much does your democracy need to be damaged to bullshit and lies alone for it to be an issue?
I’ve only used his character and actions to highlight how manipulated and misinformed people have to be to still vote for him. That should be clear.
Go watch the interviews/campaign speeches and almost every article regarding the project before the election. There was no lack of warning about what was to come, anyone who was unaware either didn’t care or was just another one of the misguided sheep. If you don’t already think the damage done to American democracy on Jan 6th doesn’t, by definition, have an impact on the average American then you have some other issue. If you just don’t care about democracy because you’re some kind of brainlet tankie then RIP, waste of time. 1 day ago
Because you’re trying to argue that it’s something that has a direct material impact on the average person. Again, as always, you’re getting distracted by moralizing, “This should be an issue” but that’s not what we’re discussing. The fact is, regardless of what people should or shouldn’t care about, regardless of how bad a given event is or isn’t, the fact is that people care the most about things that materially impact them or people they know personally. Inflation, therefore, is more important to the average person than January 6th, and if you go on and on about Jan 6 while failing to address their economic concerns, you will lose. Again, like what happened.
Again, it’s not about what is important or what I think is important, you’re getting distracted by moralizing. It’s about understanding reality as it is. And reality as it is is that people care about things that affect them in direct, material ways more than things that don’t, and January 6th had no direct, material impact on the vast majority of people.
You can whine all you want about how people “should” be more concerned about it, but all you’re doing is railing against the realities of human psychology. It is what it is, not everyone cares about the stuff you care about, even if the stuff you care about is really important. You might as well complain about the laws of physics, maybe the universe would be better if the second law of thermodynamics didn’t exist, but that doesn’t really matter, because you can’t change it, and, similarly, you can’t wave a wand and get people to stop prioritizing their direct, material interests.
Understanding and adapting to what voters actually care about is what allows you to win elections which is what allows you to take power and address the concerns you have and keep the other side out of power. 1 day ago
You keep repeating this meaningless slogan as if we live in a world where morality doesn’t exist or matter.
Agreed, not full picture though. Let me know in what way did Trump do a better job of addressing economic concerns given his already shit economic policies during his first term and his inability to communicate any meaningful plans.
But they don’t genuinely care, because if they did they’d try to be minimally informed. It’s all just based on emoting and slogans, It’s all morons falling for braindead propaganda by bad actors. 1 day ago
Sure, but I’m not talking about anything related to morality. I’m talking about the way the world is and does work, not how the world ought to work. I’d be happy to discuss morality some other time, but when we’re trying to understand physical reality, we need to be able to set it aside. But you refuse to do that. You aren’t capable of looking at things objectively because you’re always immediately trying to inject you opinions about how it ought to be.
He didn’t do much, beyond positioning himself as an “outsider” as he does. Mainly, it was less than Trump did it right and more that Kamala did it horribly wrong. Inflation had had a direct, negative material impact on everyone in the country, and Kamala failed to distance herself from the Biden administration, which people assumed was responsible because that’s when it happened.
And this is where you inject, “But Biden wasn’t responsible,” even though that’s already been established and it doesn’t really matter. People still made the connection and prioritized the issue, in both cases, because of how brains work.
Ok then, great, should be easy then. Just be a bad actor and get the morons to fall for your propaganda. Then you can get elected and address whatever concerns you like.
You can complain that voters don’t care or aren’t informed enough, but unless you have an actual plan to change psychology on a mass scale, you’re just whining that the laws of physics don’t work the way you want them to.