Comment on First Porn, Now Skin Cream? ‘Age Verification’ Bills Are Out of Control. 2 days agoThe idea isn’t to let sites restrict adults, just let them restrict kids. So there wouldn’t be a child internet.
Comment on First Porn, Now Skin Cream? ‘Age Verification’ Bills Are Out of Control. 2 days agoThe idea isn’t to let sites restrict adults, just let them restrict kids. So there wouldn’t be a child internet. 2 days ago
Then what’s to stop a kid from spoofing the adult headers? Wouldn’t that make the whole thing needlessly complicated? 2 days ago
Of they’re old enough to figure that out then who cares? 2 days ago
watching a tiktok video on it means nothing about maturity 2 days ago
😂 if my son gets how to spoof headers, he can watch all the porn he wants 2 days ago
if he can do that it won’t tell anything about his intelligence, just that he has seen a video on tiktok about how to do it 2 days ago
But then what’s the point of age verification, it’s pointless. 2 days ago
It is pointless, it was always pointless and always will be. That’s the point. Before the internet kids were stealing their dad’s or brother’s Hustlers and Playboys. For most of the internet’s time so far you just click a button that says “yes I’m over 18 I pinky promise”. In the future of the internet any effort to seriously implement age verification short of submitting a DNA sample is going to be bypassed. Trying to find porn is one of only like four things that teenage boys think about, you’re not going to stop that signal. Ask anyone born before 2000 about forest porn and they’ll probably have a story about finding a couple magazines or a VHS stashed in the woods somewhere near where they lived as a kid.
Best case, you just drive them off the mainstream sites that verify age and onto shadier websites that don’t. Or the kid that steals his dad’s ID to watch porn starts downloading and distributing them on USBs to everyone in his school, makes like $800, and then gets arrested, now this kid has an unnecessary sex crime on his record because the government really wants to know when you’re jerking off. It’s all just pointless performatism that causes more problems than it solves. And that’s not even getting into the fact that a nefarious government, which we definitely have here in America, can use that information to pinpoint especially LGBT folks via their porn viewing habits.
So at best it’s stupid and useless and at worst it’s going to get people killed. 2 days ago
Couldn’t a kid “borrow” their parent’s ID for the age verification? Isn’t it just as pointless today? 2 days ago
You seem really up in arms about this. 1 day ago
I think that’s up to device vendors giving parents decent controls and parents monitoring their kids devices. Which is admittedly not great, but still better than the honor system and more reasonable than submitting your license.