Comment on can European intelligence substitute the American one? 3 days ago
I dare say intelligence in at least 7 European countries rival the US intelligence. But it’s a good thing imo that a lot of people underestimate European capabilities. 3 days ago
Also, when it comes to Russia, Ukrainian intelligence is top notch due to historical ties.
But TBH, I do think Europe needs to find a way to make peace with Russia and with the Middle-East, specifically Turkey, Egypt and Iran.
They are our direct neighbours. The cold war idea that we could have a powerful friend across an ocean, while having strained relationships with our direct neighbours just isn’t going to be a good strategy going forward. 3 days ago
Peace with Russia is difficult as long as Russia isn’t interested in peace, which they clearly aren’t 2 days ago
Russia is interested in peace as long as it gets to dictate the terms, and install its own people in the new Russian territory. 3 days ago
Not disagreeing, we should strive for good or at least civil relationships with our neighbors, even if we don’t exactly like each other, but the problem is that 3 days ago
Good relationships go both ways. It’s pointless to be friendly to an abusive partner. It’s not just Russia but the US as well now.