Comment on New technology could save declining honeybee populations 4 days ago
Any tech to save pollinators and especially honey bees is a major major global win. The honey market has been long since adultered with mass amounts of fake products. Bee colonies are declining at unprecedented rates. Pollinators as a whole are a mere fraction of what they used to be. Look at the science. It’s atrocious. 4 days ago
We can help on a very small scale by planting a variety of native plants and not using pesticide or herbicide. I don’t know much about the risks of fertilizer on a small scale, but it’s generally not needed for native plants anyways. 4 days ago
I know many local bee keepers and it’s depressing as hell when the colonies collapse for no real reason. They steadily have been in decline for years cutting in half then half again. Bouncing back is rare. It’s very stressful and turbulent.