Comment on Advice for quick and easy pet can with remote access 5 days ago
Sorry about your cat. We typically have a Rover stop in to check on our cats when we’re gone for a bit. It’s nice to get them some human interaction and they always send pictures and give updates.
I personally have a camera setup inside that just streams to HomeAssistant so we can check on them ourselves when we’re out just for the weekend. WireGuard is a very easy way to set up the access. I disconnect it when Rovers are stopping by though because I don’t want them to feel spied on. 5 days ago
I’ve never messed with home assistant. Is it very simple to set up for a live stream like this? I agree that that the NVR solutions seem like overkill for my needs.
I’ve done some reading on setting up wiregaurd in the past, but havent actually deployed it before either. For a short term solution, opening up a port for it seems like a good compromise. 4 days ago
Honestly I wouldn’t even go so far as home assistant. Do you have any IP cameras or just USB webcams? If you have IP cameras all you need is the VPN and then just access them as if you’re at home. If you only have USB webcams, you’re going to have to stream the content and I believe
is actually capable of taking/dev/videoX
and serving it over HTTP somehow, but I don’t remember exactly how. I see some references to it in some quick searches though.Another thing to remember is that you’re going to be limited by your upload speed. If you’re not on fiber and in the US that’s likely going to be pretty bad, so set your resolution and the like accordingly.