Comment on Billionaires shouldn't exist 5 days agoThis really shows how little you actually understand about money. Let’s say this hypothetical played out. Where do you realistically think these taxes will end up? What do you think an economically monopolistic and highly supercharged government will get you? What will happen to the quality and ubiquity of goods and services available to you? 5 days ago
Not op, and any Marxist feel free to step in, but 100% tax is technically communism. And I mean full final stage communism where money no longer exists. If income is taxed at 100%, then money no longer needs to exist since… well you never really see it. The tax is spent on everything. You work if you can and everything that can be, is provided for you. Purely from an economic point of view. 5 days ago
I’m a full on no money commie. To me any society that has money is capitalist, doesn’t matter what happens to it, it’s a capitalist society once you introduce money to it. I propose a gift economy. It is the first economy recorded and is how humans should be living. We just give people what they need, not expectining anything in r eturn. No money, no bartering system. We just give anyone what they need. The gift econmmy is so engrained in human life and we do a little even when in a captalist society. Ever explained the rules to a boardgame? I imagine you did that for free, asking for nothing in return, gift economy. Helped a family member with tech support, you did that for free, asking for nothing in return. Even writing a internet comment, you likely did that for free and a lot of internet comments are written because someone asked a question, you’re helping them for nothing in return. We need to get to the gift economy. 5 days ago
And how do you determine who gets what they need when a given resource becomes scarce? Everything is finite. Human greed is also real. Do you just take someone at their word that they’re desperate for something when they may not be? 5 days ago
Human greed is a problem of capitalism because it makes competition out of humanity. We can still track what people have in the gift economy. If everyone gets what they need, then there will be no greed at all and more sustainable lifestyles will be lived. Most scarcity in the world is fabricated in order to drive up the value of goods in a profit driven system like capitalism. In the case of actual scarcity in the gift economy, we would simply go on need, who needs these resources the most? Anyone that doesn’t need whatever resources wouldn’t be asking for them in the gift economy.