Comment on TSA now offers you a choice 2 days ago
That radiation isn’t going to harm you, let’s not get on that dumb train.
Comment on TSA now offers you a choice 2 days ago
That radiation isn’t going to harm you, let’s not get on that dumb train. 1 day ago
It’s still degrading. Stand on this platform for no reason other than fucking spread your legs and raise your hands like the worthless criminal you are while we x-ray and photograph you, asshole. 1 day ago
You made a mistake at the end there, it should be “photograph your asshole” 1 day ago
So we are just going to ignore the fact that there is literally no way to see if a person is trying to sneak something to the plane without x-ray or inspection?
Just for the record, we are removing our shoes during the inspection because of the Richard Reid incident.
We are removing laptop from the baggage because some people tried (and even succeed) to sneak the explosive devices in them.
We are being x-raed because of hundreds of people tried to sneak different things and substances in their internals.
So yes, I believe that every person MUST be treated as a criminal in Airport, because one person is enought to take hundreds of lives. 3 hours ago
What happens when someone opens up full auto or suicide vests that 3,000 person densely packed line?
This is about security for the .1% and their property. Not us. 1 hour ago
It is true, that the chance of being the victim of a terrorist attack is very low (especially on the plane), but there is a problem:
IF terrorists are already ON the plane and their plan is to take it down, the death rate (if the attack is successful) will likely be 100%, because there is no way out of the plane that is crashing from 30,000 feet. Average plane can carry 200-300 people.
Now let’s look at history examples of the situation you are describing:
I could list more examples, but the point is that death rate during terrorist attack in the airport is significantly lower than on the plane, but that .1% you mentioned will always (or at least in most cases) end in hundreds of deaths, and the actual number of dead people (the count by souls) globally will not stay the same with the percentage rate (still that 0.1%) when the number of planes in the air increases year by year. What I am trying to say, is that we MUST improve security in airports to keep the number of dead souls on the same level. And yes, it will include x-ray (which btw will not have a harmful affect on you, because the X-ray machine’s run time and radiation is so low that you’re more likely to get radiation sickness from your cell phone than from a scan.) 1 day ago
I vote that TSA just stands outside your house and puts you through that every day you choose to go outside. The rest of the world would be a safer place. 1 day ago
I think they should come inside for a surprise inspection, just to keep you on your toes. 1 day ago
They made me stand there for a second and hold my hands out, it was the worst experience of my life. I don’t even feel human anymore. I finally know how the Uighur people must feel.