The artist is trying to depict a woman with extreme musucular definition everywhere other than their arms, who has roughly C to D sized breasts but nearly 0 body fat everywhere else, but the artist doesn’t understand what musculature/skeletal structure around the waist/torso area actually looks like.
Its not impossible for an extreme female athelete/body builder to get that level of musucular definition … but it would be quite difficult, the leg muscles are still probably unrealistically massive, the arms not matching the rest of the body would mean they basically never do upper body work, the breasts would likely be smaller if the rest of the body had such low body fat, and the way the muscles are drawn around the hip are just anatomically incorrect.
She’s basically drawn as if she is a kind of human mutant that is missing about the lower third of her ribcage, and has a pelvis that somehow extends upward about 50% more than a typical female pelvis does, and then has a fantasy musculature around that skeleton.
It is supposed to be the crest of her pelvis, but its … very, very unlikely that an actual human being would have a pelvis/toso area that looks like that.
She has insane muscular definition over the pelvis in areas that… there aren’t muscles there, that are shaped like that, in regular human anatomy.
Areas of the pelvic/torso region that a regular human has ligaments in, ie, tissue that tethers a human muscle to a bone, are drawn as if they are entirely muscles that could be worked out and grown in volume…
…as well as all the other ‘not technically literally impossible but extremely unlikely’ kind of combinations of anatomical features that make the whole figure in totality very strange, as I already noted.
Basically, whoever drew this has or is appealing to a muscle mommy kink. 2 days ago
The artist is trying to depict a woman with extreme musucular definition everywhere other than their arms, who has roughly C to D sized breasts but nearly 0 body fat everywhere else, but the artist doesn’t understand what musculature/skeletal structure around the waist/torso area actually looks like.
Its not impossible for an extreme female athelete/body builder to get that level of musucular definition … but it would be quite difficult, the leg muscles are still probably unrealistically massive, the arms not matching the rest of the body would mean they basically never do upper body work, the breasts would likely be smaller if the rest of the body had such low body fat, and the way the muscles are drawn around the hip are just anatomically incorrect.
She’s basically drawn as if she is a kind of human mutant that is missing about the lower third of her ribcage, and has a pelvis that somehow extends upward about 50% more than a typical female pelvis does, and then has a fantasy musculature around that skeleton.
Image 2 days ago
Maybe they were just asking what the crazy bump is. I think its just supposed to be the crest of her pelvis. 1 day ago
It is supposed to be the crest of her pelvis, but its … very, very unlikely that an actual human being would have a pelvis/toso area that looks like that.
She has insane muscular definition over the pelvis in areas that… there aren’t muscles there, that are shaped like that, in regular human anatomy.
Areas of the pelvic/torso region that a regular human has ligaments in, ie, tissue that tethers a human muscle to a bone, are drawn as if they are entirely muscles that could be worked out and grown in volume…
…as well as all the other ‘not technically literally impossible but extremely unlikely’ kind of combinations of anatomical features that make the whole figure in totality very strange, as I already noted.
Basically, whoever drew this has or is appealing to a muscle mommy kink.