Comment on conflicted about my coworkers' overpunctuality 3 days ago
Are you salaried or hourly? if you’re all hourly, the person showing up early, clock in as the first thing you do. You’re entitled to being paid for the time that you work. (and that might be why the person showing up 30 minutes early is showing up 30 minutes early. that’s 2.5 hours of overtime right there, every week.)
If you’re salaried, then start when the shift starts. They’re not entitled to anything more just because they want to knock off five minutes early.
In any case, the person showing up 30 minutes early in this case may be slow getting into scrubs, etc, may want to stop and chat people up on the way in, or just take a moment to adjust their thoughts. Alternatively, they take the bus. 3 days ago
I agree with this. Don’t work off the clock, no. Absolutely no. But 5 minutes early with 5 minutes overtime is good not bad, (unless it really is impossible with your commute.) there is no way I would complain about that. Your coworkers are basically showing that the job costs more than management thinks it does, that they need the prep time to do the job.