Comment on Why aren't all rooms holodecks? 3 days ago
In emergency cases most holograms can be shut off to match increased energy demands by weapons and shields.
Disengage the safety protocols and suddenly you’ve got weapons and shield emitters than ought to work just as well as their material counterparts, but can’t be damaged (or any damage can be instantly reset). We know that holograms can be projected into space so the only limitation would be the range of the holoemitters. 2 days ago
Hey now if we’re using the practical applications of the tech then the warp field emitters could be used to simply tear ships in half with as much or less energy than it takes to move the ship in the first place, or cause planetary cores to collapse into micro black holes, or create an inverted artifical event horizon around the ship making it physically impossible for weapons fire to pass through it because the direction of ‘through’ simply no longer exists.