Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News 3 days ago
As a fellow enthusiast with an obsessive-compulsive drive to write about my hobbies (not necessarily video-game related, but quite similar) i know that these things take a while to write, especially when you take the time to format everything correctly, link the sources, etc.
So I wanted to echo the others here and say that I really appreciate your work here. It was a fun way to start my day, and I’m looking forward to your next post :) 3 days ago
This is so sweet of you to say!
Really, this is fun for me. Its going to take all my resolve to not do this again in 24 hours (because, over saturation!), it just makes me happy to find what interests me.
I’m lucky to have found a place like this community, where it just so happens others find that same stuff (so far!) just as interesting!
Thanks for this, made me smile!