Comment on Backups: Am I doing this right? 3 days ago
Some things you should determine first:
- Total amount of data you will be backing up
- Frequency of backups
- Number of copies to keep
Plug these numbers into cost calculators for whatever cloud service you’re hoping to use, because this is honestly not going to be the cheapest route to store off-site if there are ingress charges like with S3.
I know Cloudflare’s R2 service doesn’t charge for ingress or egress (for now), but you might be able to find something even cheaper if you’re only backing up certain types of data that can be easily compressed.
I’d also investigate cheap ways to maybe just store an off-site drive with your data: office/work, family house, friends house…etc. 3 days ago
Had considered a device with some storage at a family member’s house, but then I’d have to maintain that, fix it if it goes down, replace it if it breaks, etc. I think I’d prefer a small monthly fee for now, even if it may work out more expensive in the long run.
Good call on the cost calculation. I’ll take another look at those factors… 3 days ago
There’s also the option of just leaving an offline disk at someone’s and visiting them regularly to update the backup.
Having an entirely offline copy also protects you/mitigates against a few additional hazards.