Comment above is crazy but also, animals are not toys. It’s pretty crazy to want to own animals and make them live with you. Fortunately (idk) some animals co-evolved with us and became dependant of human farming/breeding/ownership
Comment on Meow 4 days agooffer nothing in return
Warmth, company, fun…? Also, the experience of being responsible for and caring for another being can be very valuable. 4 days ago 4 days ago
Having pets live with you is not (necessarily) the same as treating them like toys, though, is it? 2 days ago
No, of course 4 days ago
Not to me, sorry. What benefit could i have from “caring for another being”? Me, personally? The other being, yes, maybe. But me? I could never care ADEQUATELY for any animal. they don’t belong in my company/house. Just because we domesticated the fuck outta them doesn’t make it better. And i also couldn’t neuter them or feed them this disgusting shit we call pet-food. And also I don’t want to take out the shit of others :-) 4 days ago
Your family and friends must adore you. 4 days ago
They actually do. Not that this is either anything of your concern nor the point. And guess what, friends are people i care about that I CHOSE TO. They didn’t get bought in a pet-shop and were forced to be in my vicinity, nor suddenly appeared in my house as strays. You maybe see the point somewhere there. 4 days ago
My point?
Hypothetically, if someone that was very close to you was in a terrible accident at has become paralyzed and no longer capable of taking care of themselves. What benefit do you have in taking care of them. Will you just abandon them? I would hope you are not cold hearted as such. Obviously there is such benefit as companionship with another living creature. Im not judging you for not wanting a pet, i dont have one myself. But you are coming off very cold. 3 days ago
Newsflash: people choose to have cats too