No one said you can’t. They said they make sense in their own contexts. The interface is different. Plus I don’t need my inbox blown up with notifications from a dozen Mastodon users tagging me unnecessarily.
No one said you can’t. They said they make sense in their own contexts. The interface is different. Plus I don’t need my inbox blown up with notifications from a dozen Mastodon users tagging me unnecessarily. 4 days ago
No what was said was the “Groups are Lemmy and hashtags are for Mastodon”.
That is to say that Groups are not for Mastodon, so Mastodon users should be content with hashtags.
But Mastodon users use Lemmy groups from Mastodon, and better group integration is already being planned by Mastodon themselves.
Ergo, groups are for Mastodon. 4 days ago
…no what? You didn’t contradict what I said. There was no “can’t” in that statement.