Comment on Common Ground 6 days agoThat is a cop out. You either take a stance or you don’t. It is binary. If your choice of “fiscal conservatism” or whatever other blanket term you want to use also includes systemic racism, misogyny, and homophobia, it doesn’t matter to me if you “don’t believe in that”. You still voted for the person that does, and that makes you just as bad.
There is no “nuance”. Anyone that tells you that is only trying to get your vote. There are people who’s lives are on the line. Those are who we vote for. Trickle down rights don’t work any better than trickle down economics. We vote for women’s right to choose. We vote for freedom to recognize your own sexual identity. We vote for safe havens for those seeking shelter from the storm. We vote to help our fellow human, because if we don’t, then we have lost what it means to be human.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller.
When a conservative leader wants to separate humans into groups like cattle, they are the enemy. It doesn’t matter what your policy is, if it hurts my friends, it makes you the antithesis to my very being, and if you don’t feel the same way, you are on the wrong side of things. I didn’t vote for Trump because I can’t vote for Trump. I also can’t vote for any other conservative, because they are all culpable. They are all responsible. They are all accountable. 4 days ago
Hmmm why is it binary?.. Let’s brainstorm that… Could it be that you’re reducing 77 million human lives to which of the two circles they filled out of a slip of paper?
Aside from Bernie and AOC, when is the last time anyone on the American left actually attempted to appeal directly to the lower working class? Why are there there ballots with votes for both AOC and Trump?
This is a bloc of groomed voters: undereducated, underpaid, and living in a homogeneous bubble where they don’t see the consequences of fascism. The right has targeted their rhetoric to a sharp point, keeping this base strong even though their policies are the source of the oppression.
I went to high school in a small Midwestern town. NAFTA gutted our towns largest employer, outsourcing thousands of jobs. In a school with hundreds of students, there was ONE (1) PoC.
Like it or not, people vote for whoever promises to improve their lives the most. One party campaigns on reforming systemic racism for that one student; the other drills the lie that they’re on foodstamps because the Democrats gave their jobs to foreigners.
When the status quo has failed them, why would they vote for a candidate like Kamala?