Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 6 days ago
I think you’re starting with the position that Naziism is a poisonous nonstarter, and wondering why anyone would attach themselves to that.
But that’s not where they are starting from. I earnestly believe that some major revisionism is happening. People are taking another look at the Nazis and finding they like what they see.
Of course, it’s falling into the whole complex of “Nazis aren’t so bad - you were just told that by your woke liberal school propaganda.”
As liberals cry out about the Nazi shit, Trumpers delight in their pain, further adding to the magnetism of Naziism.
And of course there is a slice of the Right that have always been literal Nazis, explicitly. And that slice is larger than ever, with looser boundaries than before.
Basically the divide politics of the US have finally become big enough to be bigger than our feelings about Naziism. That’s really fucking big. But the political civil war we’re in the middle of is all about tearing down everything that came before as tired, corrupt lies. I guess that is includes simple basics like “Nazis are bad.”
If you’re still confused and disgusted and horrified, you are in a lot of very good company.