Sounds like everyone is going to have to upgrade to Notepad ++ but honestly why are people even using Windows anymore and who even uses Notepad. I wanna see those numbers, like what… 5000 active users of notepad and they are just grandparents whose grandkids couldn’t be bothered to install anything else. Seriously though Android, Mac OS, Steam OS, Android TV, Chrome OS, Debian, hell Ubuntu, Linux Mint so why are people making excuses to use Windows other than because it’s on a work computer. Microsoft is lost in the sauce like hey guys let’s make the operating system free and people pay for Notepad. You know what that sounds like, a car manufacturer giving away cars and charging to use the radio radio. When Windows became free the quality became identical to the price. 1 week ago
Notepad is useful for saving a simple piece of info to your hard drive somewhere, it’s not a daily driver for code editing or anything. If I’m on the phone with some customer service rep and they give me some reference number, I’ll pop open notepad to write it down and save it.
Some of those are not competitors to Windows. Android, Android TV, Steam OS are installed on specialty devices.
macOS is not a good OS. I wouldn’t consider it a better alternative to Windows. macOS often lags behind Windows in certain features such as tiling Windows. Apple is more hostile toward developers than Microsoft is and Apple ships their own versions of coreutils which are vastly inferior GNU coreutils and often totally out of date (Apple uses a build of bash from 2007 that was the default shell until the switch to zsh, and they STILL ship this bash binary today).
For any other Linux variant, the answer is the same as it has been for 20 years: normies don’t install their own OS, and also only use their machines to browse the internet, so it makes no difference to them.