Comment on Is there something I can do about it? [Phalaenopsis orchid] 2 weeks ago
As a rather casual plant enthusiast:
*looks at title*
*looks at first image*
Do something about what exactly?
Comment on Is there something I can do about it? [Phalaenopsis orchid] 2 weeks ago
As a rather casual plant enthusiast:
*looks at title*
*looks at first image*
Do something about what exactly? 2 weeks ago
I added some additional context now :)
My problem is that the plant was pretty much dead when I got it a few months ago, and I rescued it. Still, growing completely new roots is stressful for the plant, and it redirects its resources from the leafes into the roots to get energy.
And I asked what I can do do mitigate this, so that the plant doesn’t eat itself and looses its leafes, which would suck.