Comment on What would happen if I took a thc gummy as a suppository?
Do it
my friend, the proper term is
Found Brett Kavanaugh
WOOO all we need is my boy squeeeee and we can make a devil’s triangle this Thursday at 3!
I’ll pencil you in.
Lol squee. If a lawyer in front of the supreme court ever slipped in a sque reference I’d be so happy.
He does beer. 1 week ago
my friend, the proper term is
BOOOOOOOOF IT 1 week ago
Found Brett Kavanaugh 1 week ago
WOOO all we need is my boy squeeeee and we can make a devil’s triangle this Thursday at 3!
I’ll pencil you in. 1 week ago
Lol squee. If a lawyer in front of the supreme court ever slipped in a sque reference I’d be so happy. 1 week ago
He does beer.