Comment on He'd be *disgusted* by you. 1 week ago…
Trump held a contest where the prize was a meal with the Leader of the Free World.
No one ever won it.
Comment on He'd be *disgusted* by you. 1 week ago…
Trump held a contest where the prize was a meal with the Leader of the Free World.
No one ever won it. 1 week ago
WHAT!?!?!?! trump ignored an obligation and went back on his word? Oh he’ll surely be impeached now! 1 week ago
I lived in New York all my life, and every type of person in NY has their own particular reason to despise him.
Here’s how he was given a golden opportunity to get in good with the Manhattan elites he’d been fawning over for years. He threw his chances away through pure stupidity and arrogance.…/how-donald-trump-took-down-bonwit-te…