Comment on Countries across the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy 1 week ago“Sport”
What are you on about? Everybody who isn’t an embarrassed-temporarily-broke-millionaire wants this
Comment on Countries across the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy 1 week ago“Sport”
What are you on about? Everybody who isn’t an embarrassed-temporarily-broke-millionaire wants this 1 week ago
What city do you live in? I wanna see your people vote to put a freaking utility grade wind or solar farm in it. You’re a clown who thinks only rich people play golf. You know who else plays golf? Lots of seniors who can no longer play soccer, should I insult your inability to apply 2 seconds of thinking before responding. Hey genius we have something called power lines for a reason! 1 week ago
Are you okay? 1 week ago
I’m fantastic, I am avid player of soccer and golf and do not want a power utility in the middle of my city when it can easily exist outside the city and we can retain green spaces for people to enjoy. This post is on an energy page. The easy solution is for governments to subsidize all homes and buildings their own solar power and battery storage allow unused power to be sold back to the grid. You won’t see this happen because it would decimate the power industry which obviously has a massive lobby. Yet you believe we should sell our green spaces to utility companies? Idiotic. Meanwhile capitalists are funding things like crypto coin which uses insane amounts of power to create an unneeded digital commodity.
I’ll reiterate, this article is garbage on so many levels but it clearly has an incredibly gullible audience who can’t get out of their own way with a little bit of thinking. 1 week ago
Almost 50% of energy is lost in transmission. Keeping renewable energy closer is good.
How do you think power/energy is sent to your home?