Comment on Countries across the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy ⁨1⁩ ⁨week⁩ ago

These type of articles are ridiculous written by authors trying to create rage about a sport they don’t enjoy. Golf originated in the 15th century. Wind energy has existed alongside it for a very long time in the form of windmills. Solar farms are a modern day creation and no one wants a solar farm in the middle of their cities. It’s like saying NYC should get rid of Central Park because it doesn’t provide housing or energy. Ridiculous when you can apply grade school common sense, put the solar on the roofs!!! Wow! There is plenty of room in the world for all 3 to exist. We do not need to remove a past time that brings joy and community to many people around the world.

Or instead should I attack a different sport, let’s get rid of all the soccer fields they also can house wind and solar energy?! See ludicrous.
