Comment on Need Support: DMZ at home with nginx proxy to LAN 2 weeks ago
Check DNS, MTU and do a full wireshark capture from the Client using both curl and the browser.
Comment on Need Support: DMZ at home with nginx proxy to LAN 2 weeks ago
Check DNS, MTU and do a full wireshark capture from the Client using both curl and the browser. 2 weeks ago
green boxes are IP, red are FQDN
Curl capture (made first so DNS is captured aswell)
Firefox capture
Image 2 weeks ago
You have a loopback. Says it right there.
From your diagram it looks like you’re have two reverse proxies chained together…why? 2 weeks ago
Never got the time to learn to read Captures :'(
At a time I tried to use two proxies but I changed it back to one. The host I try to reach is a Docker Host with Immich running. So the only real proxy should be “”. 2 weeks ago
If it’s, then your DNS has the wrong address somewhere. It’s looking for .242