it will still shows stuff in the library even if it failed to pick up the metadata.
for jellyfin, folder structure is kinda important for auto detection to work.
For shows, you can organises your files like this:
series-name-a/ season-01/ episode-01 episode-02
You can check out the doc, it is more detailed 1 week ago
How long did you give it? It indexes the library. I had to rebuild my library once, and while I don’t have a huge collection - mainly just rips of my DVD collection, about 450 films, and it takes over an hour to index everything. Until it’s done, not everything shows up. 1 week ago
I didn’t give it very long but it was literally just 3 films and 1 TV show 1 week ago
How many episodes in the show? Depending on the hardware, that could take a few minutes. If it’s trying to index over a network mounted drive, it could take a long time. My material was mounted locally over USB3 on an older 16-core Ryzen machine.
Once indexing is done, it’s fast, but there initial indexing can be slow.