Comment on Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords 1 week ago. I am just not considered part of the labour class by blue collar workers.
Unions can and still lead you to resources and help you unionize. You can’t blame blue collar workers. 1 week ago
I didn’t blame blue collar workers. I said I was isolated because even though both white collar and blue collar workers sell their labour for a living, somehow we are never accepted as real labour just because the elite among us make $500k a year for instance. 1 week ago
I mean you’re still the working class. But a desk job is quite literally not labour. Labour is physical work, specifically lol 1 week ago
I think it’s time for you to be introduced to the concept of “cognitive work”. We have been doing that for a few thousand years now. 1 week ago
So you, without a tiny bit of irony, would say you sitting at your desk is a labour job? 1 week ago
Labour is physical work but working your eyes and brain is also taxing. It’s just a different set of muscles/organs. Sitting at the desk all day is also taxing. it’s just not evident enough to people who see an AC and think that’s comfortable. It’s not healthy long term. Leads to all sorts of health issues.
Many of us tech workers joke that we will make our bag of money, retire, and go do farming. But you must understand why we joke like that.
For a lack of physical activity, desk workers suffer numerous health issues due to sitting all day/lack of movement. We are deprived of natural sunlight and wind in our badly lit offices staring at bright screens.
My point is that I said i felt isolated by blue collar workers not considering tech workers as the same class. You just went ahead and proved my point.
this is one of the reasons you don’t see class solidarity from tech workers. The blue collar bunch think we are somehow same as the capitalist class. 1 week ago
Labor isn’t a class difference.
Blue collar workers get significantly decreased life spans compared to white collar, because we breath in fumes and strain our bodies. That’s not the point you want to stand on for them being the same. 1 week ago
labor 1 of 3 noun la·bor ˈlā-bər plural labors