Sorry if my tone will be less gentle than needed.
Your comment brings no ounce of new ideas or criticisms to the table,
I don’t think so.
overlooks all the pros and cons already mentioned
It makes sense that others look at different parts of the problem than you do.
I run businesses for 15 years, do ethical business since 10 yrs and am thinking from a position of experience.
Most people have (or recently enough had and will have) a job, and most people know a person or two with 10-15 years of experience in management positions who think they are thinking from a position of experience.
Different professions and job responsibilities exist for a reason.
The reason I dont present myself in a way that screams competence is because this is lemmy and we dont need this stuff.
You did it here instead of continuing a pretty normal thread or leaving it be.
I like spitballing ideas and push new projects for the benefit of the people.
That is important, but almost everyone has been spitballing ideas and pushing new projects since they learned to speak.
But feel free to suggest constructive things.
Quoting myself:
Getting back to logistics - one has to design a system of shared warehouses, transportation, mailing and delivery tasks, tracking, reporting on outcomes of every event, and all that should be even more abuse-resilient than the processes inside actual Amazon. You’ll have Byzantine problems in every interaction.
“Shared” is the important part. Even without that one can fail logistics - see USSR, the biggest corporation to fail in history. 2 weeks ago
I feel like this is far too dismissive for a comment that was in my eyes fairly constructive. He correctly pointed out that one of Amazon’s main selling points is their whole logistics division. A federated website doesn’t have that. So either:
Maybe you could actually address the core of his criticism instead of outright dismissing it. 2 weeks ago
You’re missing that these points have already been adressed in a lot of other comments and have been stated way more constructively.
Of course having a whole logistics setup in place will be far superior to only doing dropshipping. But this is a whole different (additional) project. It absolutely has it is place. What I’m dismissing is the claim that the idea is dependent on somehow cloning the arguably much more expensive and complex parts of amazons business.
Again, i do agree that amazon has a huge machinery in place. But I also wish to discuss things without being treated dismissively myself.