Comment on Would you consider me a “dry texter”? 2 weeks agoA question that can be answered with one word isn’t dry, boring or rude. The person asking the questions is just an idiot and isn’t asking questions that require at least 2 words.
“Are you busy today?” Can be answered with “yes” or “no”. You don’t have to give a reason why automatically.
None of these questions has a “why?” In them. It’s not an interview dude. 2 weeks ago
Alright, here’s some basic advice for when you want to have a conversation.
If someone asks you a question that can be suitably answered with one or two words, it can be helpful to append a question of one’s own to the response. Even returning the same question is often sufficient.
X: Hey, how’s it going?
Y: Good.
X: Hey, how’s it going?
Y: Not bad, yourself?
Where the former leaves person X having to either carry the conversation onwards by formulating another question on the spot or just disengage, the latter keeps the conversation going by giving them a question from which they can either springboard into a more detailed response or pivot to another topic.