Thought this was obsolete as of like a year ago. Did they update it?
Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago
Fold At Home!
You can essentially donate your processing power to various science projects that need it to compute protein folding simulations. I used to run it whenever I wasn’t actively using my PC. This does cost electricity and increase rate of wear and tear on the device, as with any sustained high computational load. But it’s cool! :] 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
seems like the last update was 23 Jan 2025 2 weeks ago
Does additional 32 GB of RAM actually help there? I’d assume this is mostly CPU-intensive work. 2 weeks ago
looking into it, seems like you’re actually right. looks like it runs best with a solid GPU. there may be other distributed computing projects better suited for abundant RAM.