Comment on Do snakes prefer to drink warm or cool water? 2 weeks ago
My pet snake likes to take a nice long after she eats. She also likes to take massive shits in her water.
Obviously not cold water, usually room temp. My hunch is she prefers slightly warm, but too warm makes her freak out. 2 weeks ago
Mine is a ball python. They seem to prefer basking under the heat lamp after eating. Also they haven’t ever pooped in their water dish that I can remember, but I have had them horf up a partially digested rat in there before. That incident was made even more pleasant by the fact that I had their heat lamp positioned over the water dish at the time (to try and keep humidity up) and it happened while I was sleeping so I didn’t catch it for several hours. So I awoke to my entire house being filled with the miasma of a partially digested rat which had been stewing under a heat lamp for several hours. The smell was indescribable and beyond the imagination of any sane individual.