Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago
He is saying the US government doesn’t use structured databases.
At least 90% of all databases have a structure.
Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago
He is saying the US government doesn’t use structured databases.
At least 90% of all databases have a structure. 2 weeks ago
Yeah, obviously ol’ boy is tripping if he thinks SQL isn’t used in the government.
Big thing I’m prying at is whether there would be a legitimate purpose to have duplicated SSNs in the database (thus showing the First Bro doesn’t understand how SQL works). 2 weeks ago
As someone explained in another comment, you often duplicate information due to rules around cardinality to gain improvements in retrieval an. structure. I would be pretty worried if SSSNs were being used as a a widepread primary key in any set of tables - those should generally be UUIDs that can be optimized for gashing while avoiding collisions.
Even if we are being generous to Elon, we could assume that social security payments are processed on mainframes given how many have to go out and the legacy nature of the program. Most mainframe shops I know have adapted an SQL interface for records in some capacity, but who knows what he is looking at.
Government federal IT is done at a per agency basis. I would say oracle database is pretty much the most licensed piece of software the government does use outside of Redhat Linux and windows desktop.