Comment on wanderer v0.15.1 - 1 week ago
I want to try this. I’m one of the unfortunate victims of Gaia GPS turning to trash.
However, I can’t seem to find in the docs how tracks can be recorded…
Is there an app?
Do I need to be in contact with the server to record a track?
Do I need to ask my friends to send me gpx exports if they aren’t on strava?
Do you envision an integration with opentrailmap so in can share trails without having to expose Wanderer to public? 1 week ago
Recording is currently not possible with wanderer itself. I personally use osmAnd to record my trails and import them into wanderer. If your you don’t want to expose wanderer to the public your friends would need to send you their trails, yes. But I guess that’s no different with any other service. 1 week ago
So I went to the demo and I have a few questions:
I am actually really impressed with what you have so far, and I’d love to start using this! 1 week ago 1 week ago
There’s also a more lightweight alternative for recording tracks called OpenTracks. It can export the data in KMZ, KML, GPX or CSV format. 1 week ago
You might want to check out for logging. I’m super happy with the battery usage. My use case is on multiday tracks, so battery charge is a luxury. 1 week ago
Ok, I think I can deal with recording on an OSM client. I’ll give Wanderer a try.