Comment on Important News - Geoblocking of the UK 3 weeks ago
Just a thought - I’d love to see a side-by-side of how this affects traffic by geolocation in the next monthly.
Not by a lot probably, but it would be an interesting tidbit. 3 weeks ago
I’ve implemented it today, so definitely happy to see what side by side impact it has.
FYI I think apps still work (as I suspected they might with the way I was trying to set this up) 3 weeks ago
Yep, apps are still OK.
Desktop redirects to uk. as intended, across all frontends.
Something to do with Cloudflare I guess. Have you gone for IP or WAF rules? 3 weeks ago
All done in nginx with geoip2. This should mean federation traffic is still allowed. The side effect of that is apps are allowed too. 3 weeks ago notes that 87% of their traffic is mobile as of their census in 2023, with the lion’s share coming from apps rather than mobile browsers (that would be blocked).
If we have a similar split here, not handling app traffic would undermine the original purpose of the geoblock. “Use an app” is a much lower bar than “Use a VPN” in terms of accessibility.
Only you know the figures though :)