Comment on Should have been born a Limited Liability Corporation 2 weeks agoluxury of spending hours shopping, cooking, and cleaning every day
Y’all need to sort out your country if this is deemed a luxury in America. Richest nation on the planet, my arse! 2 weeks ago
We’re trying! It is not going well.
The US is in the top 10 but not the top 5 for GDP per Capita PPP, but it’s not in the top 100 for wealth or income equality. The median wage has been diverging from the mean wage for quite some time. These problems are by no means exclusive to the US or even the Western World. Nonetheless, the poorest, fully-employed members of our workforce here still somehow live as if in a developing nation regarding access to medicine, education, technology, food, clean water, transportation, housing, physical security and other things that could help them advance.