Comment on Kamiya Critiques Wii Version of Okami | Retro Gaming News 24/7 3 weeks ago
That’s interesting. I’ve only played the Wii version but I don’t recall anybody saying anything was missing at the time. In fact, using the Wiimote to do the paint strokes was hailed as an improvement (having not played the original, I can’t even envisage how doing the strokes with an analogue stick would work) 3 weeks ago
Not sure how much, but there was stuff missing.
For example the filter that makes everything kinda blurry and dream-like, and a whole ending sequence video with a song, artworks and animations.
Worst part is that video was not removed for a lack of time or anything, but just because it included credits and a logo from studio Clover. You know, the people who made the game to begin with. 3 weeks ago
Oh, that sucks. Surely they could have added the Wii-specific credits afterwards and kept the original video. I’ve seen that sort of thing done many times. 3 weeks ago
That would have been a correct way to do this, yeah. I’ve seen it done like that too, for example Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Hyrule Warriors Définitive Edition has both port and original teams in credits.
Going so far as removing a cool little ending song just because the video clip happened to reference the old studio is petty. 3 weeks ago
Nintendo has a bad track record on this though, the recent Donkey Kong release has this issue.