Comment on He's so negative. He's so weird. 2 weeks ago
Fun fact: The term “high functional” comes from nazi Germany (or Austria to be precise). Hans Asberger devided his neurodivergent fosterlings into his “little professors” who were beneficial to the Volk and those “low functional” who were of no use and were deported to what could be described as the first gas campers. It didn’t start with the Jews. It never does. It started with labeling outcasts and burning books about gays and trans people. 2 weeks ago
is there a modern equivalent that describes “i function differently from NTs, but am generally able to live my life without special accomodations”?
because i’ve been described as high functioning and never really thought much about it, but the nazi connection is…uncomfortable… 2 weeks ago
“low support needs” is the preferred term. Still having needs neurotypical people don’t, but not a lot of them. High support needs would be the opposite.