Comment on Laws only matter if you're not rich. 3 weeks ago
He’s a dead “tech bro”, so that makes him a good “tech bro”?
Perverting his memory to fight against everything he stood for is the most disgusting move yet, in the fight against fair use. 3 weeks ago
He was not a tech bro 3 weeks ago
I really hate how “tech bro” has become a catch-all slur against for anyone working in tech by the tech illiterate. 3 weeks ago
Why not? Because he’s dead and can’t protest against the distortion of his views? 3 weeks ago
What part of him was bro-ey? He cared only about progressing technology and aiding civic causes. He was an activist, not a tech bro slamming champagne at cloud 9 in Aspen or throwing parties in a villa in Florida. 3 weeks ago
Oh please. A tech-bro is just a male nerd who the cool kids don’t like.
Here’s a blast from the past: Image
See anyone you recognize?
Next you’ll tell me that people like Shawn Presser or Christoph Schuhmann aren’t tech-bros.