- Comment on Laws only matter if you're not rich. 3 weeks ago:
You are making up definitions and are incorrect
It’s not just “a male nerd”
- Comment on Laws only matter if you're not rich. 3 weeks ago:
What part of him was bro-ey? He cared only about progressing technology and aiding civic causes. He was an activist, not a tech bro slamming champagne at cloud 9 in Aspen or throwing parties in a villa in Florida.
- Comment on Laws only matter if you're not rich. 3 weeks ago:
He was not a tech bro
- Comment on The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO 9 months ago:
I want an actual real time strategy game. All popular RTSs are actually just about tactics and micro. I mean every SC2 guide will tell you that up to a very high level of play, if you’re just doing more you’ll be more efficient and win regardless of strategy. Why can’t you just set a standing order of “make unit x” or “make unit x while we have gas until we get to 50 of them”? That’s strategy. Having to tab back to a building and manually queue a couple of units every several seconds is just creating busywork for players, but thats what’s necessary and optimal for playing SC2 and most RTS games well
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Exactly, so the people in favor of keeping the fucked up system are part of the problem
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Disagree. Most servers and bartenders are in favor of tipping culture and want it to stay this way with zero wages and societally enforced tips.
Yes, the corporations are the enemy, but these other struggling people are on the side of the actual enemy.
- Comment on The White House wants to 'cryptographically verify' videos of Joe Biden so viewers don't mistake them for AI deepfakes 1 year ago:
It’s not. Wait till you find out how they made movies before CGI!
- Comment on The White House wants to 'cryptographically verify' videos of Joe Biden so viewers don't mistake them for AI deepfakes 1 year ago:
A MAC is symmetric and can thus only be verified by you or somebody who you trust to not misuse or leak the key.
You sign them against a known public key, so anybody can verify them.
Regular digital signatures is what’s needed here You can still use such a signing circuit but treat it as an attestation by the camera’s owner, not as independent proof of authenticity.
If it’s just the cameras owner attesting, then just have them sign it. No need for expensive complicated circuits and regulations forcing these into existence.
- Comment on The White House wants to 'cryptographically verify' videos of Joe Biden so viewers don't mistake them for AI deepfakes 1 year ago:
I think you are misunderstanding things or don’t know shit about cryptography. Why the fuck are y even talking about publicly unlockable encryption, this is a use case for verification like a MAC signature, not any kind of encryption.
And no, your process is wild. The actual answer is just replace the sensor input to the same encryption circuits. That is trivial if you own and have control over your own device. For your scheme to work, personal ownership rights would have to be severely hampered.
- Comment on The White House wants to 'cryptographically verify' videos of Joe Biden so viewers don't mistake them for AI deepfakes 1 year ago:
All of this could be done without blockchain. Once they sign a signature with their private key they can’t unsign it later. Once you attest something you cannot un-attest it.
Just make the public key known and sign things. Please stop shoehorning blockchain where it doesn’t belong, especially when you aren’t even giving any examples of things that blockchain is doing for you with 100000x the cost and complexity, that normal crypto from the 80s/90s cant do better.
- Comment on The White House wants to 'cryptographically verify' videos of Joe Biden so viewers don't mistake them for AI deepfakes 1 year ago:
Just because you’re writing this on the fediverse doesn’t mean it’s the answer to everything. It’s certainly not the answer to this.
- Comment on The White House wants to 'cryptographically verify' videos of Joe Biden so viewers don't mistake them for AI deepfakes 1 year ago:
If you’ve been saying this for a long time please stop. This will solve nothing. It will be trivial to bypass for malicious actors and just hampers normal consumers.
- Comment on The White House wants to 'cryptographically verify' videos of Joe Biden so viewers don't mistake them for AI deepfakes 1 year ago:
- Anybody can also verify it if they just host the hash on their own website, or host the video itself.
- Getting the general populace to understand block chain implementations or how to interface with it is an unrealistic task
- What does a distributed zero trust model add to something that is inherently centralized requiring trust in only 1 party
Blockchain is the opposite of what you want for this problem, I’m not sure why people bring this up now. People need to take an introductory cryptography course before saying to use blockchain everywhere.
- Comment on Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown 1 year ago:
First blame the thief. But then in the same breath blame the manufacturers that refuse to sell cars with meaningfully working locks. If you understand the tech many car companies keep selling cars that have locks that are about as secure as a zip tie.
- Comment on Canada to ban the Flipper Zero to stop surge in car thefts 1 year ago:
Bro you can make an ak-47 out of a shovel.
The FGC-9 is a gun designed to be built only from common hardware store tools and a shitty 3d printer and has been used by even the myanmar rebel forces who built it themselves. (Also you can build 3d printers themselves from hardware store and hobbyist electronics store supplies).
Guns are just metal tubes with some extra bits, as knowledge and materials get better, making them gets easier. You’re making this statement like it hasn’t been a common thing for years
- Comment on Undertale's Music Is In Danger 1 year ago:
It’s a bullshit right though. Copyright law goes way too far and gives rights holders all the power and people that purchase music and want to do cool things with it no say.
- Comment on Dwarf Fortress- Adventure Mode Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
As a dwarf fortress lover, I was never interested in either of those because you can’t “win”. For me the entire point of the hardship of a rogue like is to overcome the difficulty and reach the goal. I don’t want an endless roguelike sandbox, I want a challenge with a carrot at the specifically defined end.
- Comment on Single? 1 year ago:
I see you’ve never been to a bar with a CS major
(probably also because you can’t get them to go to bars)
- Comment on Welp that answers a lot of why all .ml are down 1 year ago:
It was totally possible to see coming. The .ml domain deal and its expiration was known far in advance and I’ve been seeing posts about it for months.
This is 100% incompetence on whoever set up the site.