Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year agoThen fucking say THAT. Not all landlords are evil. I’d be willing to bet 90% of these frothing loons don’t realize why you are trying to accomplish and are just riding the hate train.
He’ll yeah I’m all for more taxes to pay for healthcare/education/collective housing. Hell no am I ok with just giving my shit away because you happen to think I should. Sure- pay me for my investments at fair market value- and I’ll just go an reinvest in something else that you guys will inevitably think should belong to all. 1 year ago
I did note later in another thread, a comrade had a good revision. The relationship is evil, not the actual person. Here’s what was said:
Again, I’ve got some salt because my landlord kicked me out last year just because he couldn’t extract enough profit from me. Needless to say, his anger at basic tenant protections has stuck in my craw ever since.