Take a look at devContainers
as an idea that might be generalized. It’s just docker containers so so big but not huge however the use case ….
are a complete portable development environment, with support from major IDEs. Let’s say I want to work on a Java service. I open my IDE, it pulls the latest Java devContainer with my environment and all my tools, fetches the latest from git, and I’m ready to go. The problem with this use case is I’m waiting this whole time. I don’t want to sit around for a minute or two every time I want to edit a program. The latest copy needs to be here, now, as I open my IDE
frezik@midwest.social 1 week ago
Maybe don’t rely on cloud garbage for basic development?
AA5B@lemmy.world 1 week ago
Technically I don’t. I’m also the guy running CI/CD building devContainers for my engineers. They no longer have to worry about updating certificates and versions or security patches, and IT doesn’t have to worry about a lot of crap on their laptops that IT doesn’t manage. Engineers can use a standard laptop install and just get the latest of everything they need, scanned, verified, as soon as it’s available. And since it’s all automated, I can support many variations
At work, I’m on the same network, but working from home, I still need the responsiveness to do my job