Comment on Too many young people find doing a day's work 'stressful', says Liz Kendall ⁨3⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

I don’t know the career of this particularly woman but a politician ragging on the work ethic of anyone is hilarious.

What statistic is she basing this on, any or just her feelings? Just go work at a grocery store? Maybe she should ask these “managers” who’s she’s basing this opinion on what their turn around on employees is, what their wages and guaranteed hours are. The opinion of managers on the work ethic of anyone means less than shit to me having met at least one manager in my life and having work retail/hospo before.

Pretty easy to advocate for “young” people to go work shitkicker jobs in retail and hospo when you sit at a desk in air con all day for a living. I know if I lost my current career I sure as fuck won’t go back.
