Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky'
It’s hard to write down scientific conclusions when you black out at the end of the night, but so far I wouldn’t recommend it. I’ll try again tonight and get back to you.
Your commitment to science is commendable
I drigle fumbar. Fabulous.
And poetry! you Renaissance man
“The only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down”
I wrote down my findings at 12:33AM Central time. It was science. Incomprehensible science.
My findings today are that I wish I hadn’t applied quite so much whiskey to the subject. 4 weeks ago
It’s hard to write down scientific conclusions when you black out at the end of the night, but so far I wouldn’t recommend it. I’ll try again tonight and get back to you. 4 weeks ago
Your commitment to science is commendable 4 weeks ago
I drigle fumbar. Fabulous.
Science. 4 weeks ago
And poetry! you Renaissance man 4 weeks ago
“The only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down” 4 weeks ago
I wrote down my findings at 12:33AM Central time. It was science. Incomprehensible science.
My findings today are that I wish I hadn’t applied quite so much whiskey to the subject.