4 weeks ago
Yep, they’re just modified ovaries; they’re plumbed into the abdomen and all the wiring comes from there. 4 weeks ago
Yep, they’re just modified ovaries; they’re plumbed into the abdomen and all the wiring comes from there. 4 weeks ago
Actually? 4 weeks ago
Yup, believe it or not all humans technically start out as female at conception, then with the right hormones at the right time the female bits morph into male bits. 4 weeks ago
Well, yeah. Same organs, longer tubing, slightly different cell types lining the insides.
Also the scrotum is just fused-together labia majora (you can even see the seam), and the penis is just an enlarged clitoris that wraps round the urethra.
Maleness is just a minor tweak added in post-production.